
Sprayway Mens Compass Shorts, Grey Walking Shorts
These Sprayway Mens Compass Shorts, have a UPF sun protecion factor of 50+ with stretch fit, fast wicking, quick dry properties which help to keep you cool, dry and comfortable during hiking and travel. The TecWeave two way stretch fabric ensures an excellent stretch fit is achieved for unrestricted, high stepping leg movement and greater comfort when hiking. These grey walking shorts, have a total of four pockets, three of which are zipped for security and are all partly mesh lined for ventilation but the bottom part of the pockets feature the harder wearing nylon TecWeave fabric so holes can't form and your loose change is safe. There are two zipped side pockets and a zipped thigh pocket. The rear pocket has a velcro fastening. Hence all your belongings are kept safe during your adventure activities.
The TecWeave 135 stretch nylon material has a Water Repellant WR finish so the material doesn't wet out when it rains enabling an easy striding action when walking even in the wet and assisting the quick dry properties. These grey walking shorts have an improved tailored fit with a waist band featuring a tricot lining similar to micro-fleece for next to skin high wicking comfort. The waist band is part elasticated at the sides with belt loops.
Please see:TecWeave and TecWeave Pro from Sprayway on Vimeo.
Fit: Knee length shorts with revised relaxed fit ensures good comfort and easy movement when trekking across difficult terrain
Suggested Activities: Mountain walking, hiking, climbing, trekking, travel, mountaineering, .... and outdoor sports in general.
Fair Wear Foundation: All sprayway garments are produced to the standards set by the Fair Wear Foundation.
Size Chart: For the Fitting and Size Chart please click here.